01 835 1454

Ergonomic Assessments
SEQ can provide Ergonomic assessments as part of risk assessment and risk management where employees are office / workstation based as part of the work day and use Display Screen Equipment. Workstation assessments consider ergonomics, that is, the relationship of the employee to their workstation. Our assessments evaluate the individual`s equipment use, body positioning, and potential exposure to biological, chemical or physical hazards.
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work, (General Application) Regulations 2007, Chapter 5 of Part 2 outline the requirements that must be adhered to in relation to Display Screen Equipment. These regulations are applicable:
  1. When an employee has no choice but to use the Display Screen Equipment (i.e. Visual, Display Units, or VDU) to carry out her/his work
  2. When an  employee normally uses the VDU for continuous periods of more than one hour.
  3. When the VDU is generally used by the employee on a daily basis as part of their work.
Workstation assessments can also be tailored to include Pregnancy based assessments at the workstation.

Under the  Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, Part 6, Chapter 2, Protection of Pregnant, Post Natal and Breastfeeding Employees, an employer must conduct a risk assessment to assess any risks associated with an employees employment to ensure that she is not exposed to anything, which would damage either her health or that of the developing child.  As part of this Risk assessment, a work station assessment should be undertaken to consider workplace hazards at an employees workstation. 

For more Information, Contact SEQ  Today!