ISO 14001:2015

What is ISO 14001:2015? A Complete Guide to Environmental Management

What is the purpose of ISO 14001:2015?

  • ✅ISO 14001 specifies requirements for an environmental management system (EMS) to enable an organisation to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and information about significant environmental aspects.
  • ✅ Provides a structured framework to protect the environment
  • ✅ Systemised approach to achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance
  • ✅ Provide assurances to the certified party that they meet all applicable regulatory requirements
  • ✅ Clearly demonstrates a company’s commitment to environmental improvement to third parties

Why is ISO 14001 important?

  • ✅International standard, published by ISO
  • ✅Developed by leading environmental experts
  • ✅Applicable to any industry
  • ✅Applicable to any size company
  • ✅There are more than 300,000 certifications to ISO 14001 in 171 countries around the world.

How do become ISO 14001 Accredited?

  • ✅Conduct an on-site analysis of your current system 
  • ✅Assess this against the relevant standard 
  • ✅Prepare a report highlighting the gaps between your current system and the ISO 14001 standard
ISO 14001:2015 certified

Stage 1 –

Preliminary Assessment,  involves a high-level overview of key critical areas to determine suitability to proceed to Stage 2.

Stage 2 –

Registration Assessment,  is a detailed audit of the EMS (Environmental Management System) to ensure it meets the requirements of all clauses of the ISO 14001 Standard.

Annual audits take place over a 3-year cycle to continually evaluate the effectiveness of the EMS and determine continual improvements are part of the process.

How do become ISO 14001 Accredited?

  • ✅Improved image and credibility
  • ✅Compliance with legal requirements
  • ✅Improvement in cost control
  • ✅Higher rate of success when implementing positive environmental changes
  • ✅More efficient improvement of processes
  • ✅Reduction in risks of adverse  environmental impact

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